Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 53 • Page ik-page-4242046
Chapter 53
This is a locked chapterChapter 53
About This Chapter
The narrator tells the audience that if they don't get out of the house, they'll never get to town. He tells them to get a police car and run. He'll let them take the produce from the market and bring it back to the police station. The narrator thanks the girl for keeping her safe and says she's "worthy of daigo" . He says he'll take her to the station to pick her up once he's done with the market. He asks the girl if she was shocked to see her fight the thief. The girl says she was, and the narrator says it would have been him if he'd been in the middle of the fight. He wants to know if he was hurt, too, but the girl says that she was sure he wasn't. He warns her to double-check her ass, and she says it's red and falling. He also says he can't stop licking his ass.
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 53 • Page ik-page-4242046
Chapter 53
This is a locked chapterChapter 53
About This Chapter
The narrator tells the audience that if they don't get out of the house, they'll never get to town. He tells them to get a police car and run. He'll let them take the produce from the market and bring it back to the police station. The narrator thanks the girl for keeping her safe and says she's "worthy of daigo" . He says he'll take her to the station to pick her up once he's done with the market. He asks the girl if she was shocked to see her fight the thief. The girl says she was, and the narrator says it would have been him if he'd been in the middle of the fight. He wants to know if he was hurt, too, but the girl says that she was sure he wasn't. He warns her to double-check her ass, and she says it's red and falling. He also says he can't stop licking his ass.
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