Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 59 • Page ik-page-4242052
Chapter 59
This is a locked chapterChapter 59
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that Hiroshi and Kishi have decided to leave their jobs and return to the countryside, where they can work in the fields. Hiroshi's band is an arrogant, sarcastic bunch, and Hiroshi thinks that it's weird that they know everything about their wife. He's sorry, he says, but he's been the bread winner of their family for thirty years, and he'd like to use his retirement money on something nice for them. He wants them to go back to the country and work together, so that they can talk all they want. They can talk about whatever they want, and then they can go back and talk about it again. That's what Hiroshi had in mind when he said that he and his wife could never really be under one another's control, and that there'd always be something "new" to cover. He thinks that they'll be able to talk about this stuff once they've gone back and forth between the two countries, and they'd want to return to their jobs in the country. He says that even if they try their best, they can't always be sure that things will work out, because "the only ones who succeed in anything" are those who try. He tells Hiroshi to pat him on the head and says that if he works hard, then he'll get "apprehended" by some people. He asks if he has any respect for
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Former Delinquent Farmer’s Sex Appeal Is Dangerous - At Least Let Me Feel You Up • Chapter 59 • Page ik-page-4242052
Chapter 59
This is a locked chapterChapter 59
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that Hiroshi and Kishi have decided to leave their jobs and return to the countryside, where they can work in the fields. Hiroshi's band is an arrogant, sarcastic bunch, and Hiroshi thinks that it's weird that they know everything about their wife. He's sorry, he says, but he's been the bread winner of their family for thirty years, and he'd like to use his retirement money on something nice for them. He wants them to go back to the country and work together, so that they can talk all they want. They can talk about whatever they want, and then they can go back and talk about it again. That's what Hiroshi had in mind when he said that he and his wife could never really be under one another's control, and that there'd always be something "new" to cover. He thinks that they'll be able to talk about this stuff once they've gone back and forth between the two countries, and they'd want to return to their jobs in the country. He says that even if they try their best, they can't always be sure that things will work out, because "the only ones who succeed in anything" are those who try. He tells Hiroshi to pat him on the head and says that if he works hard, then he'll get "apprehended" by some people. He asks if he has any respect for
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