In this short scene, Shmoop explains that he hates sex on his first day of living with his new roommate, because it makes him feel like he's "whooping" . He's so grossed out by his roommate's constant sexual advances that he can't stand it any longer. He tries to get his roommate to stop, but she won't, because she's too excited about the kiss. He tells her to rub the kiss into his nipples, and she does, but he can barely get the kiss to stick. She tells him to "swallow" , which is to say, to "plop" the kiss, so that the kiss doesn't get stuck in her nipple . She also tells him not to push the kiss too hard, because "squishing" will make the kiss stick.
In this short scene, Shmoop explains that he hates sex on his first day of living with his new roommate, because it makes him feel like he's "whooping" . He's so grossed out by his roommate's constant sexual advances that he can't stand it any longer. He tries to get his roommate to stop, but she won't, because she's too excited about the kiss. He tells her to rub the kiss into his nipples, and she does, but he can barely get the kiss to stick. She tells him to "swallow" , which is to say, to "plop" the kiss, so that the kiss doesn't get stuck in her nipple . She also tells him not to push the kiss too hard, because "squishing" will make the kiss stick.