Minxi tries to find a solution to the problem of moving into his new house, but his handmaidens tell him that his princess is a "goddess sent from heaven" . Minxi says that the birth of his daughter was a big occasion in the whole kingdom, and everyone thought that she was a goddess. He says that he's the only member of the royal family who has the "theurgy power" , which means that he can perform any kind of physical or mental healing. He also says that his mother was a "lady" at the time of her daughter's birth, but she died when she was only "a lady." Minxi thinks that this means that she's a "checkmate" for the people in the kingdom. He tells her that there's going to be a tea party at the palace that afternoon, and she should wear the dress that the king sent her the day before. He's wearing his own dress, which reminds her of the handmaiden who used to work for her father. He thinks that the lords won't reject the etiquette of the east, but the lady is old and stubborn, so he suggests that leon stay for his literature class. They arrive at the white-crystal palace, and Minxi tells us that the next chapter will be a spoiler for everyone. He wants to make sure that ryan doesn't accidentally step on the princess's dress.