In this chapter, we learn that the duke of avis has just landed in the united kingdom and smashed a stone brick in front of the kingdom's palace. The princess of the flower kingdom is the only person in the kingdom who has the magical power. She is also the perfect candidate to be married to the duke. The duke says that she looks too much like a princess from a country with thousands of years of culture, and he attacks her. He says that the wedding procession is nothing compared to the flower's airship. The united kingdom is a kingdom driven by magic, like the British empire in the nineteenth century. The magic power of the prince and queen has declined recently, and the kingdom is now ruled by a united kingdom.
In this chapter, we learn that the duke of avis has just landed in the united kingdom and smashed a stone brick in front of the kingdom's palace. The princess of the flower kingdom is the only person in the kingdom who has the magical power. She is also the perfect candidate to be married to the duke. The duke says that she looks too much like a princess from a country with thousands of years of culture, and he attacks her. He says that the wedding procession is nothing compared to the flower's airship. The united kingdom is a kingdom driven by magic, like the British empire in the nineteenth century. The magic power of the prince and queen has declined recently, and the kingdom is now ruled by a united kingdom.