In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Squawk-Tu-Muu," who is a member of the artificial intelligence defense team at a South African company called "Matrix Factory." He is an expert in the field of "data self-evolution" and has won many competitions in this field, including six consecutive contests in which he was the champion. The company's founder and chief executive officer, Mr. Lorry, welcomes him to the company and gives him a small portion of the shares in the company. He says that the game is not only about intelligent beings, but also about "a kind of new data" that has "consciousness and is unrestrained." He asks Lorry's assistant to be his assistant, and Lorry promises to show him the performance of the game.
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Squawk-Tu-Muu," who is a member of the artificial intelligence defense team at a South African company called "Matrix Factory." He is an expert in the field of "data self-evolution" and has won many competitions in this field, including six consecutive contests in which he was the champion. The company's founder and chief executive officer, Mr. Lorry, welcomes him to the company and gives him a small portion of the shares in the company. He says that the game is not only about intelligent beings, but also about "a kind of new data" that has "consciousness and is unrestrained." He asks Lorry's assistant to be his assistant, and Lorry promises to show him the performance of the game.