The emperor tells chen that he took over the throne at the age of 17 and has been there for ten years. He admits that he is embarrassed to meet his ancestors, but he can't stop the internal troubles caused by the drought and locust plague. Sometimes he wonders whether or not he can afford to do whatever he wants as long as his heart desires. The emperor says that the long-time officer of the Ming dynasty has returned. He asks chen if she still refuses to tell him the truth about the situation with Dodo. She says that she does not believe him. He says that he can save her life and that he has won against Dodo, and he asks her to release him. She replies that he did not come for any conspiracy, and she says that no matter who he is, he can protect her from death
The emperor tells chen that he took over the throne at the age of 17 and has been there for ten years. He admits that he is embarrassed to meet his ancestors, but he can't stop the internal troubles caused by the drought and locust plague. Sometimes he wonders whether or not he can afford to do whatever he wants as long as his heart desires. The emperor says that the long-time officer of the Ming dynasty has returned. He asks chen if she still refuses to tell him the truth about the situation with Dodo. She says that she does not believe him. He says that he can save her life and that he has won against Dodo, and he asks her to release him. She replies that he did not come for any conspiracy, and she says that no matter who he is, he can protect her from death