The empress tells the emperor to calm down, even if he is innocent, because she is right. She tells him that her two daughters will give everything to the emperor, as long as they can help him. They are willing to leave the capital with the empress's concubine. She blames her father for preventing her from advancing the emperor. She says that she was born as a performer, but she raised the military pay and was escorted for thousands of miles. She even went to shengjing to take risks with her body. She remembers everything she has done for her father. She asks the emperor not to punish her for something that the people do not know about. The emperor says that he is already annoyed because of the previous affairs. He says that what the emperor said is true, and that he has gathered his former court officers together without being summoned. They have all uninvited entered. He asks if they are all his most trusted ministers, and she says that the origin of the woman is unknown. He then asks if he owes a lot to his treasury. He tells her that the lord zhou has been told that the manyu tian, who is also known as sixingjin, had colludned with the Jurchen tribe. A group of people had been escorted in and they have confessed here. He also says that dodo and the manchu jin had been in and out together, and the people in the capital have seen it
The empress tells the emperor to calm down, even if he is innocent, because she is right. She tells him that her two daughters will give everything to the emperor, as long as they can help him. They are willing to leave the capital with the empress's concubine. She blames her father for preventing her from advancing the emperor. She says that she was born as a performer, but she raised the military pay and was escorted for thousands of miles. She even went to shengjing to take risks with her body. She remembers everything she has done for her father. She asks the emperor not to punish her for something that the people do not know about. The emperor says that he is already annoyed because of the previous affairs. He says that what the emperor said is true, and that he has gathered his former court officers together without being summoned. They have all uninvited entered. He asks if they are all his most trusted ministers, and she says that the origin of the woman is unknown. He then asks if he owes a lot to his treasury. He tells her that the lord zhou has been told that the manyu tian, who is also known as sixingjin, had colludned with the Jurchen tribe. A group of people had been escorted in and they have confessed here. He also says that dodo and the manchu jin had been in and out together, and the people in the capital have seen it