This time it's the famous "yuanyuan chen" , who's here to greet "lord zhu" . The two of them have never met before, and they're not sure how to greet each other. They're totally confused. They think that Guobi zhu is the one who tricked Cai Min to marry him, and then buried her youth for life, and now he's taking them to the palace to meet with Lord tian. Oh, and Guobi also knows that Cai Min's husband, Lord zhu, is taking him to see the palace. Guobi's confused. He's also wondering why tian is in the city at this time of year, when the country's political turmoil is at its peak. He asks Cai Min if she's familiar with tian, and Cai Min says that she is. Cai Min
This time it's the famous "yuanyuan chen" , who's here to greet "lord zhu" . The two of them have never met before, and they're not sure how to greet each other. They're totally confused. They think that Guobi zhu is the one who tricked Cai Min to marry him, and then buried her youth for life, and now he's taking them to the palace to meet with Lord tian. Oh, and Guobi also knows that Cai Min's husband, Lord zhu, is taking him to see the palace. Guobi's confused. He's also wondering why tian is in the city at this time of year, when the country's political turmoil is at its peak. He asks Cai Min if she's familiar with tian, and Cai Min says that she is. Cai Min