Rise of the Demon King • Chapter 195 • Page ik-page-4161133
Rise of the Demon King • Chapter 195 • Page ik-page-4161134
Rise of the Demon King • Chapter 195 • Page ik-page-4161135
Chapter 195
This is a locked chapterChapter 195
About This Chapter
The empress tells the assassins that the doctor has told them that lord Xiao lang has been seriously injured and will not be able to walk for a long time. They must give him the healing elixir they have prepared for him. The next day, he only needs a short time before he can recover from his injury. He says that the elixir is all thanks to the empress that he is able to recover so quickly. As soon as he finishes his healing, fei heard that he finished his healing and immediately carried out her assassination plan. The assassins wonder how they can attack the emperor when he is already dead
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Rise of the Demon King • Chapter 195 • Page ik-page-4161133
Rise of the Demon King • Chapter 195 • Page ik-page-4161134
Rise of the Demon King • Chapter 195 • Page ik-page-4161135
Chapter 195
This is a locked chapterChapter 195
About This Chapter
The empress tells the assassins that the doctor has told them that lord Xiao lang has been seriously injured and will not be able to walk for a long time. They must give him the healing elixir they have prepared for him. The next day, he only needs a short time before he can recover from his injury. He says that the elixir is all thanks to the empress that he is able to recover so quickly. As soon as he finishes his healing, fei heard that he finished his healing and immediately carried out her assassination plan. The assassins wonder how they can attack the emperor when he is already dead
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