The empress tells young master Xiao that he can easily kill the emperor because of his poetry. The four strongest warriors are probably the emperor's rank, and the poet is sure that he will be able to leave the emperor alive. He says that once the emperor is dead he will take over, and that he almost forgot about his guards from the spirit-chamber, but now that the empress reminds him, he sees that he really is the perfect candidate. He asks the deputy city-lord if he is buying him dinner again, and he says that he has received a tip that yun-zishan is equally terrifying. He also says that fei-yu wants him to go and see the emperor, but he will not let them go because he knows that he is going to die.
The empress tells young master Xiao that he can easily kill the emperor because of his poetry. The four strongest warriors are probably the emperor's rank, and the poet is sure that he will be able to leave the emperor alive. He says that once the emperor is dead he will take over, and that he almost forgot about his guards from the spirit-chamber, but now that the empress reminds him, he sees that he really is the perfect candidate. He asks the deputy city-lord if he is buying him dinner again, and he says that he has received a tip that yun-zishan is equally terrifying. He also says that fei-yu wants him to go and see the emperor, but he will not let them go because he knows that he is going to die.