The third prince arrives at the imperial capital. He tells the marshals that he has bad news. The yeti tribe has been fighting against the imperialists in the northern border, so the time is right for the zhuan dynasty to turn the yeti against the emperors family. The marshals are shocked, but the third prince tells them that he is willing to fight against the tribe. He says that he will join the army in order to show his loyalty to the emperor. The general tells the prince that the emperor has made his army ready to attack the city. The warriors of the emperor's army are ready to defend the city, but they must surrender and hand over the traitor, General Xiao lang. The spirit chamber lord says that this war should cease now
The third prince arrives at the imperial capital. He tells the marshals that he has bad news. The yeti tribe has been fighting against the imperialists in the northern border, so the time is right for the zhuan dynasty to turn the yeti against the emperors family. The marshals are shocked, but the third prince tells them that he is willing to fight against the tribe. He says that he will join the army in order to show his loyalty to the emperor. The general tells the prince that the emperor has made his army ready to attack the city. The warriors of the emperor's army are ready to defend the city, but they must surrender and hand over the traitor, General Xiao lang. The spirit chamber lord says that this war should cease now