The empress tells the young master that she was forced to serve as the concubine of the emperor's mistress, and that now the emperor has fallen for the mistress's daughter. She wants to protect him, but the empress knows that she doesn't have the power or status to protect herself. She also knows that many people want her to kill the emperor, but she wants to do it for the sake of the yu dynasty. She says that she's not interested in usurping the throne or power, but that she would like to split the entire dynasty with him. She tells him that if he kills the emperor she'll be able to blame him later. The young master tells her that he's the one who cultivates the spirit in the tianzhou, and he'll give her the spirit stone as an insurance policy.
The empress tells the young master that she was forced to serve as the concubine of the emperor's mistress, and that now the emperor has fallen for the mistress's daughter. She wants to protect him, but the empress knows that she doesn't have the power or status to protect herself. She also knows that many people want her to kill the emperor, but she wants to do it for the sake of the yu dynasty. She says that she's not interested in usurping the throne or power, but that she would like to split the entire dynasty with him. She tells him that if he kills the emperor she'll be able to blame him later. The young master tells her that he's the one who cultivates the spirit in the tianzhou, and he'll give her the spirit stone as an insurance policy.