The emperor beast roars at the shen-kai mansion. He wants to destroy the mansion. The patriarch of the family tries to stop him, but the emperor beast is too strong for him. He tries to use the divine weapon to fight the beast, but it doesn't work. He begs his brother to use his soul attack on the beast to distract it so that he can save the patriarch. The brother says that's the right thing to do, but he's worried that the soul attack will make the beast even stronger. He asks his father to come to the mansion and find out what's happening. He wonders if the curse has dissipated, and if he can use it to stop the beast.
The emperor beast roars at the shen-kai mansion. He wants to destroy the mansion. The patriarch of the family tries to stop him, but the emperor beast is too strong for him. He tries to use the divine weapon to fight the beast, but it doesn't work. He begs his brother to use his soul attack on the beast to distract it so that he can save the patriarch. The brother says that's the right thing to do, but he's worried that the soul attack will make the beast even stronger. He asks his father to come to the mansion and find out what's happening. He wonders if the curse has dissipated, and if he can use it to stop the beast.