In the middle of the battle, the white tiger, disguised as a messenger from the emperor, enters. He tells the emperor that he has come to deliver the command to kill the traitor, emperor Xiao-Lang. The white tiger says that if the emperor and his family can be killed, the royals will protect them for 30 years. If anything happens to the young lady xi, then the royal court will compensate her family and explain the whole thing to the emperor later. He says that he will kill anyone who tries to kill him and his aunt. He also says that, if anyone tries to harm him, he will destroy their entire family. The marshal asks him if he is trying to protect the bastard, and he replies that he is just trying to bring back the woman he loves. He asks the marshal if he wants him to commit treason, and the marshal replies that the emperor is threatening the zhejiang dynasty with the news that they are on the brink of war.
In the middle of the battle, the white tiger, disguised as a messenger from the emperor, enters. He tells the emperor that he has come to deliver the command to kill the traitor, emperor Xiao-Lang. The white tiger says that if the emperor and his family can be killed, the royals will protect them for 30 years. If anything happens to the young lady xi, then the royal court will compensate her family and explain the whole thing to the emperor later. He says that he will kill anyone who tries to kill him and his aunt. He also says that, if anyone tries to harm him, he will destroy their entire family. The marshal asks him if he is trying to protect the bastard, and he replies that he is just trying to bring back the woman he loves. He asks the marshal if he wants him to commit treason, and the marshal replies that the emperor is threatening the zhejiang dynasty with the news that they are on the brink of war.