X-Ray Vision

X-Ray Vision • Chapter 140 • Page ik-page-4456156
Chapter 140
This is a locked chapterChapter 140
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, a young man who has a strange ability to see things through the eyes of others. The young man, who goes by the name Shmooper, is fascinated by the idea of seeing things through his own eyes. He wonders if he possesses any psychic powers, and he wonders if the other men in his life have the same ability. Shmoopers tells the young man that he has a weakness, and that if he should reveal his secret to anyone, they will not believe him. He says that he used to feel like he was hiding something, and now that he sees him, he feels like he can show it to the world. He wants to teach his students how to use their newfound powers to change their worries into hunger, so that they can enjoy the food they eat.
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X-Ray Vision

X-Ray Vision • Chapter 140 • Page ik-page-4456156
Chapter 140
This is a locked chapterChapter 140
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to a new character, a young man who has a strange ability to see things through the eyes of others. The young man, who goes by the name Shmooper, is fascinated by the idea of seeing things through his own eyes. He wonders if he possesses any psychic powers, and he wonders if the other men in his life have the same ability. Shmoopers tells the young man that he has a weakness, and that if he should reveal his secret to anyone, they will not believe him. He says that he used to feel like he was hiding something, and now that he sees him, he feels like he can show it to the world. He wants to teach his students how to use their newfound powers to change their worries into hunger, so that they can enjoy the food they eat.
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