X-Ray Vision

X-Ray Vision • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-3398857
Chapter 46
This is a locked chapterChapter 46
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator reflects on his preparations for his trip to the city of Yunnan. He decides that he will stay in a hotel, since he does not need to bring any personal items with him. The young narrator sighs and says that he has been losing his mind all day. He has been getting up early, and his body clock is still set at the time when he used to live in the countryside, so he will do his daily routine in the morning. He wonders if the driver of the car is interested in taking him to the airport, but he has no interest in the car ride. He is surprised to learn that his sugar daddy has already saved his phone number inside. He feels like he is his "sugar daddy" and asks if he should be notified if anything happens to him, like it happened the day before. He tells him that it was a dangerous day, and that he was asked by his father to cause a fight for his daughter. He says that the fight went well, but that the young man was tired and nearly fainted at the sight of the young woman. He goes to the security, where he finds his passport and his tickets.
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X-Ray Vision

X-Ray Vision • Chapter 46 • Page ik-page-3398857
Chapter 46
This is a locked chapterChapter 46
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the young narrator reflects on his preparations for his trip to the city of Yunnan. He decides that he will stay in a hotel, since he does not need to bring any personal items with him. The young narrator sighs and says that he has been losing his mind all day. He has been getting up early, and his body clock is still set at the time when he used to live in the countryside, so he will do his daily routine in the morning. He wonders if the driver of the car is interested in taking him to the airport, but he has no interest in the car ride. He is surprised to learn that his sugar daddy has already saved his phone number inside. He feels like he is his "sugar daddy" and asks if he should be notified if anything happens to him, like it happened the day before. He tells him that it was a dangerous day, and that he was asked by his father to cause a fight for his daughter. He says that the fight went well, but that the young man was tired and nearly fainted at the sight of the young woman. He goes to the security, where he finds his passport and his tickets.
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