The young master and his companion, the waiter, have arrived at a hotel in the middle of nowhere. The waiter tells the young master that he will take him for a ride around the place and then they will have a private room for the night. He tells them that the place is called "Heaven on Earth" because it is the home of the "top player" in the industry. He also explains that the waiters are dressed differently because they are serving the "wealthy" rather than the "ordinary" people. He says that having a meal in heaven costs only a thousand yuan, whereas in heaven it costs ten thousand. He then asks the waiter if he could dig out some gold from the hotel's frame. He asks if the frame is made of gold, and the waiter says that he is already impatient. The old man, however, has gone out for a walk, and he has not been able to wait in the long line. He orders some food, which costs him only a small amount of money
The young master and his companion, the waiter, have arrived at a hotel in the middle of nowhere. The waiter tells the young master that he will take him for a ride around the place and then they will have a private room for the night. He tells them that the place is called "Heaven on Earth" because it is the home of the "top player" in the industry. He also explains that the waiters are dressed differently because they are serving the "wealthy" rather than the "ordinary" people. He says that having a meal in heaven costs only a thousand yuan, whereas in heaven it costs ten thousand. He then asks the waiter if he could dig out some gold from the hotel's frame. He asks if the frame is made of gold, and the waiter says that he is already impatient. The old man, however, has gone out for a walk, and he has not been able to wait in the long line. He orders some food, which costs him only a small amount of money