In this short story, a young man named "Ahuaujiijiu" wishes to marry a girl named "zhaoshui" , who lives in a small town in central China. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses, saying that she will never let him go. He tells her that if she does not love him for one second, he will regard her as a liar. On his 18th birthday, he asks her if she will give herself to him. She says yes, and they promise to meet in heaven.
In this short story, a young man named "Ahuaujiijiu" wishes to marry a girl named "zhaoshui" , who lives in a small town in central China. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses, saying that she will never let him go. He tells her that if she does not love him for one second, he will regard her as a liar. On his 18th birthday, he asks her if she will give herself to him. She says yes, and they promise to meet in heaven.