In this short scene, the protagonist is introduced to a new character named ulla, who is the granddaughter of the chairman of the chai group in the Amazon. Worried that ulla is afraid of him, the professor tries to persuade him to return to his home in the city, but ulla refuses, saying that he can make his own living wherever he goes. The professor then tells the protagonist that he must return to the city with ulla because ulla has a message for him.
In this short scene, the protagonist is introduced to a new character named ulla, who is the granddaughter of the chairman of the chai group in the Amazon. Worried that ulla is afraid of him, the professor tries to persuade him to return to his home in the city, but ulla refuses, saying that he can make his own living wherever he goes. The professor then tells the protagonist that he must return to the city with ulla because ulla has a message for him.