This is a locked chapterChapter 34: The 9th Report - Altruism (2)
About This Chapter
Suhun asks Yonhap if he'll stay behind and report what's going on. Yonhap says it sounds dangerous, but Suhun says it's better to think more about it before the weekend. Suhun wants to know why Yonhap is looking at him, compared to when they first met. He's asking why he's drawing pointless pictures. He wants to stop taking pictures of Lee Sangmin instead. He doesn't want to take pictures of Yonhap anymore. He tells Yonhap that he wants to find out what Yonhap's doing. He adds that he'd like to help others, and that's what this is all about. Translation: Suhun's looking for someone to help him. So, he decides to search for Yonhap and his friend, who lives in gangdong and is studying English at a high school. He says that Yonhap often hangs out in the city, and he hopes they can meet him there. He suggests that they go to the alley where Yonhap hangs out and look for him. He also says that if they run into Yonhap, they should hide and call each other. He hints that they're both on the same team, so Yonhap will be able to figure out who they are.