It's been a really fun day for the gang, and Suhun's singing and playing dodgeball really impress Selia. Selia asks Suhun to stay at her house, but Suhun refuses, saying that he's too self-centered to explain why they can't enter his room. Suhun says that they haven't yet prepared anything for the big fight, but Selia thinks that's fine, since they can all set up the fight together. She's not so sure about Suhun, though, because she doesn't think he'll be an adult by the time she's done with him. She says that she'll drink the chicken that Suhun has prepared, but she won't be able to stop herself from doing so, since it's so bad. She also says that the chicken is so bad that babies can drink it, too, and that drinking soft drinks puts you at risk of getting addicted to alcohol. She wonders why Suhun keeps telling her to eat chicken that tastes bad, or if he has mysophobia, which is a fear of eating things that taste bad