This is a locked chapterChapter 2: The 1st Report - Food
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the narrator introduces us to a new character named yunyoung. He introduces himself as a "young man" who has just graduated from high school and is now studying mathematics. He is a member of a group of students who are studying polynomials and other related subjects. The class is divided into two groups: those who are learning the subject and those who have not yet graduated. The first group is studying math and the second is studying English and Korean. The students discuss topics such as "burrikle" and "chineunim" . The third group discusses literature and movies. The fourth group discusses lunch. The narrator tells the students that lunch is outdoors and that they should act natural. He then takes the students to the cafeteria, where they can have lunch. He tells them that the class is taught in the cafeteria and that the way the students talk is unique to him. He explains that the students do not have enough information to understand the past. They do not know how to use honorifics, which are awarded to those who were born before they were. He says that he would like to learn more about the past so that he can secure his identity next time.