The next morning, the two of them go for a walk together. When they arrive at the gate, they find that the grandfather they met earlier in the day has come out of nowhere to try and take the boy away, and has now decided to find a woman to adopt the boy. When she realizes that he is a liar, she cries out in anguish. She begs him not to touch her son, and he faints. She tells him to follow her, and they go to see the Great Hall.
The next morning, the two of them go for a walk together. When they arrive at the gate, they find that the grandfather they met earlier in the day has come out of nowhere to try and take the boy away, and has now decided to find a woman to adopt the boy. When she realizes that he is a liar, she cries out in anguish. She begs him not to touch her son, and he faints. She tells him to follow her, and they go to see the Great Hall.