In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist of the novel, Oswald, and his lieutenant, Alphonse. Oswald tells the protagonist not to let the sea creatures escape, but to move the ship's cargo away from the ship. He tells Oswald to stop the ship and cut the rope leading to the ship, and to open the doors of the ship so that they can move the cargo. He also tells Oswald that there is a big storm coming, and that they need to hurry up and find a way to get out of the storm. He asks Oswald to take the elevator to the other side of the building and open the door so that he can get to them. He then asks Oswald if he can take some holy salt from his bag and show them how to escape. Oswald says that he used holy salt, but that he doesn't know how to get away. He says that the flowers are "squeezing" into the ocean, and they must have been moved by some "holy power" . Oswald asks if they are doing anything else in the lab, and the protagonist replies that they are only doing what they can to defeat the evil sea creatures. He wonders if they can use some of the alcohol they have left in the laboratory to do anything else, and then asks what they should do with the salt they have found. They don't want to use it for water, he says, because it would melt like a "slug" , and he thought it would be a good idea to sprinkle some on the
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist of the novel, Oswald, and his lieutenant, Alphonse. Oswald tells the protagonist not to let the sea creatures escape, but to move the ship's cargo away from the ship. He tells Oswald to stop the ship and cut the rope leading to the ship, and to open the doors of the ship so that they can move the cargo. He also tells Oswald that there is a big storm coming, and that they need to hurry up and find a way to get out of the storm. He asks Oswald to take the elevator to the other side of the building and open the door so that he can get to them. He then asks Oswald if he can take some holy salt from his bag and show them how to escape. Oswald says that he used holy salt, but that he doesn't know how to get away. He says that the flowers are "squeezing" into the ocean, and they must have been moved by some "holy power" . Oswald asks if they are doing anything else in the lab, and the protagonist replies that they are only doing what they can to defeat the evil sea creatures. He wonders if they can use some of the alcohol they have left in the laboratory to do anything else, and then asks what they should do with the salt they have found. They don't want to use it for water, he says, because it would melt like a "slug" , and he thought it would be a good idea to sprinkle some on the