The next morning, the Governess and her Governess-in-Charge come to the house to find Mizuha. The Governess apologizes for not finding her sooner, but she assures her daughter that she will find her soon. MiZuha, however, is not comforted by her mother's words. She tells her that her father did not tell her anything or do anything to her the other day, and that her mother ran into him the day before, and the two did not get along very well. She says that she is glad that she has learned to have a few friends in her life, and she asks her daughter if she is suppressing her true feelings. She then shows her daughter her feather hair tie, which she has made for her, and asks her to wear it to work the next day. She also gives her daughter a hand mirror, saying that she wants one for herself
The next morning, the Governess and her Governess-in-Charge come to the house to find Mizuha. The Governess apologizes for not finding her sooner, but she assures her daughter that she will find her soon. MiZuha, however, is not comforted by her mother's words. She tells her that her father did not tell her anything or do anything to her the other day, and that her mother ran into him the day before, and the two did not get along very well. She says that she is glad that she has learned to have a few friends in her life, and she asks her daughter if she is suppressing her true feelings. She then shows her daughter her feather hair tie, which she has made for her, and asks her to wear it to work the next day. She also gives her daughter a hand mirror, saying that she wants one for herself