My Sweet Girl

My Sweet Girl • Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat • Page ik-page-285985
My Sweet Girl • Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat • Page ik-page-285966
My Sweet Girl • Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat • Page ik-page-285958
Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat
This is a locked chapterChapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat
About This Chapter
The narrator returns to the shopping mall to find that he has found some boneless koro-chicke bone in the refrigerator. He tells the clerk that he wants to eat all he can, and the clerk tells him that the man is cheering him up. The narrator says that he loves the chicken wing tips, which are a popular side dish in boxed lunches, but that he does not want to buy the girl a new hair clip because he feels that she is not feeling well. The clerk tells the narrator that he is getting water and that he should have some places to go to, too, since he is not sure what to do with his life now that he no longer remembers Valentine's "day." The narrator decides that he will go to the grocery store first and then to the mall to buy more food. He then looks at the shopping app on his phone, which allows him to submit recipes and search for cooking recipes. He is sorry that he cannot help it, and he says that it is not like that he knows it is funny that someone like him can help it. He says that the package contains a special deal of ground pork, domestic meat, and an apology for his rudeness to the clerk.
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My Sweet Girl

My Sweet Girl • Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat • Page ik-page-285985
My Sweet Girl • Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat • Page ik-page-285966
My Sweet Girl • Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat • Page ik-page-285958
Chapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat
This is a locked chapterChapter 18: Shopping and the Next Seat
About This Chapter
The narrator returns to the shopping mall to find that he has found some boneless koro-chicke bone in the refrigerator. He tells the clerk that he wants to eat all he can, and the clerk tells him that the man is cheering him up. The narrator says that he loves the chicken wing tips, which are a popular side dish in boxed lunches, but that he does not want to buy the girl a new hair clip because he feels that she is not feeling well. The clerk tells the narrator that he is getting water and that he should have some places to go to, too, since he is not sure what to do with his life now that he no longer remembers Valentine's "day." The narrator decides that he will go to the grocery store first and then to the mall to buy more food. He then looks at the shopping app on his phone, which allows him to submit recipes and search for cooking recipes. He is sorry that he cannot help it, and he says that it is not like that he knows it is funny that someone like him can help it. He says that the package contains a special deal of ground pork, domestic meat, and an apology for his rudeness to the clerk.
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