Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 145 • Page ik-page-5193164
Chapter 145
This is a locked chapterChapter 145
About This Chapter
There's also a letter from Pantanggang's mother, who says that she's sorry that Pantangg's father didn't come to see her. She also apologizes for not being more attentive to her son when they were apart. She says she'll take care of her son's family now, but she'd like to see him again in the future. The letter ends by saying that he'll be put up for free for the night at Pantang's place. Pantang wants to know what's up with the boy's eyes. He's been staring at his mother all this time.
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Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 145 • Page ik-page-5193164
Chapter 145
This is a locked chapterChapter 145
About This Chapter
There's also a letter from Pantanggang's mother, who says that she's sorry that Pantangg's father didn't come to see her. She also apologizes for not being more attentive to her son when they were apart. She says she'll take care of her son's family now, but she'd like to see him again in the future. The letter ends by saying that he'll be put up for free for the night at Pantang's place. Pantang wants to know what's up with the boy's eyes. He's been staring at his mother all this time.
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