Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-5186807
Chapter 40
This is a locked chapterChapter 40
About This Chapter
Mr. Nemo's birthday is coming up, and he's got something to do. It turns out that his homeroom teacher, Mr. Hirofumiaki, is also going to be celebrating his birthday that week. Hmm...what's up with that? Well, Hiromifumiaki has just received a call from his mother saying that she's just passed away. Uh-oh.
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Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 40 • Page ik-page-5186807
Chapter 40
This is a locked chapterChapter 40
About This Chapter
Mr. Nemo's birthday is coming up, and he's got something to do. It turns out that his homeroom teacher, Mr. Hirofumiaki, is also going to be celebrating his birthday that week. Hmm...what's up with that? Well, Hiromifumiaki has just received a call from his mother saying that she's just passed away. Uh-oh.
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