Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 130 • Page ik-page-5193128
Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 130 • Page ik-page-5140425
Chapter 130
This is a locked chapterChapter 130
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Emma tells Mr. Roberts that if he doesn't give up on her, she'll have no choice but to cut off their relationship. She tells him that she can't do anything about it, though, because she's such a great friend. She says that if they talk about the future, then she can talk about it with him. Emma says that something's "pressing against" her, and that's when she starts freaking out. She's getting "turned on" , and her "pussy" is eating her. Emma tells her that she has to go shopping for dinner, since they don't have much money.
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Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 130 • Page ik-page-5193128
Please Teach Me How to Cum! • Chapter 130 • Page ik-page-5140425
Chapter 130
This is a locked chapterChapter 130
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Emma tells Mr. Roberts that if he doesn't give up on her, she'll have no choice but to cut off their relationship. She tells him that she can't do anything about it, though, because she's such a great friend. She says that if they talk about the future, then she can talk about it with him. Emma says that something's "pressing against" her, and that's when she starts freaking out. She's getting "turned on" , and her "pussy" is eating her. Emma tells her that she has to go shopping for dinner, since they don't have much money.
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