King of Popularity

King of Popularity • Chapter 50: Helper • Page ik-page-4939486
Chapter 50: Helper
This is a locked chapterChapter 50: Helper
About This Chapter
In Chapter 50, the helper reads the book very seriously and changes several places. She says that she will take the girl to meet her boss. She tells the girl that she is more than just "a girl magnet" and that she can do more. She asks the girl if she knows each other, and the girl replies that she does. The helper says that he has wanted to visit her before and wants to give her an interview, but he gave up because he didn't want to show up. He asks her to help him with the pavilion, and she says that it seems that she already guessed that he was trying to bring her to the school. He tells her that he wants her to be his assistant, and that he doesn't trust her, because she is too smart. He says that if she asks for too much money, she will not be able to impress her employer. He also says that his job is simple: she needs to do only one thing well, and he is confident in her ability. He adds that he would not have brought her here if he did not have anyone around him. He complains that he helped her out, but that she owes him a favor. He then asks if she is here to help the crazy woman, or is she there to help her. She can't do anything after she slapped his face, he says. He goes on to say that if he were a man, he would marry her.
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King of Popularity

King of Popularity • Chapter 50: Helper • Page ik-page-4939486
Chapter 50: Helper
This is a locked chapterChapter 50: Helper
About This Chapter
In Chapter 50, the helper reads the book very seriously and changes several places. She says that she will take the girl to meet her boss. She tells the girl that she is more than just "a girl magnet" and that she can do more. She asks the girl if she knows each other, and the girl replies that she does. The helper says that he has wanted to visit her before and wants to give her an interview, but he gave up because he didn't want to show up. He asks her to help him with the pavilion, and she says that it seems that she already guessed that he was trying to bring her to the school. He tells her that he wants her to be his assistant, and that he doesn't trust her, because she is too smart. He says that if she asks for too much money, she will not be able to impress her employer. He also says that his job is simple: she needs to do only one thing well, and he is confident in her ability. He adds that he would not have brought her here if he did not have anyone around him. He complains that he helped her out, but that she owes him a favor. He then asks if she is here to help the crazy woman, or is she there to help her. She can't do anything after she slapped his face, he says. He goes on to say that if he were a man, he would marry her.
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