The narrator introduces us to the members of the butterfly, a famous "idol group" in recent years. Linhuiyin is a cold, arrogant woman, but she's not a bad one. She's joined by two other members, Zhang Heben and , who are also pretty girls. The narrator tells us that they're easy to get to know, since they all live in the same place. They're all pretty girls, and they all have good relationships with the captain, who's named "tang xin." The narrator asks if the girls are worried about what they'll do to him now that he's out of prison. The girls are all pretty, and the narrator doesn't want to worry about that. He's just worried about the fact that they are all "shameful people" . He tells the girls to stop playing with the mouse, because it's making trouble. They can't open the door, he says, because the mouse's running over. He says he'll go deal with the problem, but the girls don't seem to welcome him very much. , the girls say, how could he live with them, since he is a prisoner? The girls say that the mouse is a man, and how could the man live with the group? The narrator says that if they let the mouse in, then there'll be no trouble. He asks if there's anything they can do if the mouse messes up, since the group is too busy to beat the man anyway. The girl says that the man is just a prisoner, and that's why they shouldn't let him in. She asks if they can play a game after eating dinner, but they can no longer play because of the mouse. The man says that he just caught it, and he'd like to know what he did to the girls. He wants to know if the girl can fight with him, and if she can scold him, too. He thinks that he can only bring the mouse away, but that he won't be able to win either. He just helped them