My Teacher

My Teacher • Chapter 33 Part 2 • Page ik-page-4914067
Chapter 33 Part 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 33 Part 2
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the five realms have decided that they do not want to be recognized by the other four realms. The Panda expresses his disgust at the idea that the Pandas should be exterminated. He says that he wants to eat the soul of the Panda, the "godfather" of all things, and that this will make him the "master of the world." The Panda says that the world needs a "absolute powerhouse," but the Panda says, "I'm sorry, you're too delicious. I've gotten the power, and the beauty, and now I'm full of tyranny. I still love you, Panda. You still care for me, Panda says. He tells the Panda that power is what makes the world work, not his love for the world. Panda says he will not give the Panda what he wants.
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My Teacher

My Teacher • Chapter 33 Part 2 • Page ik-page-4914067
Chapter 33 Part 2
This is a locked chapterChapter 33 Part 2
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the five realms have decided that they do not want to be recognized by the other four realms. The Panda expresses his disgust at the idea that the Pandas should be exterminated. He says that he wants to eat the soul of the Panda, the "godfather" of all things, and that this will make him the "master of the world." The Panda says that the world needs a "absolute powerhouse," but the Panda says, "I'm sorry, you're too delicious. I've gotten the power, and the beauty, and now I'm full of tyranny. I still love you, Panda. You still care for me, Panda says. He tells the Panda that power is what makes the world work, not his love for the world. Panda says he will not give the Panda what he wants.
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