King of the Seven Gods • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4822962
Chapter 41
This is a locked chapterChapter 41
About This Chapter
The battle is still going on, and the enemy is requesting more support. The two guys are trying to find their way out of the area, but the enemy's ship has exploded, and they're trapped in a giant hole. They can't get out of there, though, because the hole is too big for them to escape through
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King of the Seven Gods • Chapter 41 • Page ik-page-4822962
Chapter 41
This is a locked chapterChapter 41
About This Chapter
The battle is still going on, and the enemy is requesting more support. The two guys are trying to find their way out of the area, but the enemy's ship has exploded, and they're trapped in a giant hole. They can't get out of there, though, because the hole is too big for them to escape through
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