I will find him, my prince, left me, a silver spoon, and disappeared. This is the beginning of a new chapter. In this chapter, we learn that Nemo is gone to heaven with his mommy and daddy. Nemo's mother and father didn't want Nemo to be happy in his new life, so they sent him away to a school called "seika academy," which means "rainbow" in Japanese. We learn that this school is in a different part of town from the one Nemo went to when he was a kid. The girl in the story, named daichi kun, is a student at the school. She's in charge of the dorm, and she's very nice to the girl in this chapter. She tells the girl to eat the flan that Nemo left for her, and to stay out of the dormitory. She also tells daichi not to waste food like that, since it's bad for the girl's health. She suggests that they use the rice cooker to cook the flan, and then they'll use the sugar to make the flan.
I will find him, my prince, left me, a silver spoon, and disappeared. This is the beginning of a new chapter. In this chapter, we learn that Nemo is gone to heaven with his mommy and daddy. Nemo's mother and father didn't want Nemo to be happy in his new life, so they sent him away to a school called "seika academy," which means "rainbow" in Japanese. We learn that this school is in a different part of town from the one Nemo went to when he was a kid. The girl in the story, named daichi kun, is a student at the school. She's in charge of the dorm, and she's very nice to the girl in this chapter. She tells the girl to eat the flan that Nemo left for her, and to stay out of the dormitory. She also tells daichi not to waste food like that, since it's bad for the girl's health. She suggests that they use the rice cooker to cook the flan, and then they'll use the sugar to make the flan.