The next morning, the king arrives to visit his sister and brother-in-law, who are in prison. The king tells his sister that he is not a monarch, but an older brother who has come to visit them in law. He tells her that he wants to marry her, but that his father and brother will be in prison soon. He asks her not to worry, as he will take care of himself. He says that he will not back down, and that he has issued a decree authorizing the marriage.
The next morning, the king arrives to visit his sister and brother-in-law, who are in prison. The king tells his sister that he is not a monarch, but an older brother who has come to visit them in law. He tells her that he wants to marry her, but that his father and brother will be in prison soon. He asks her not to worry, as he will take care of himself. He says that he will not back down, and that he has issued a decree authorizing the marriage.