The emperor has long suspected that yue-er's mother, the empress, has a child. The emperor's wife, the regent, has been using her husband's wives to murder empresses male and female servants. The regent has been able to track down the assassins identity by using the wives' names. . The empress is about to be married to the crown prince, and the regent's house is still a useful place for her. Lin Yao yue asks if his mother is looking at him, and she replies that she was too focused on her battle with the regent to notice that he was there. Lin Yeu , who has just returned from the battlefield, greets his grandmother, and he tells her that he barely escaped death twice before. He tells his grandmother that his aunt is not his mother's mistress, and that his mother does not have the authority of the emperor.
The emperor has long suspected that yue-er's mother, the empress, has a child. The emperor's wife, the regent, has been using her husband's wives to murder empresses male and female servants. The regent has been able to track down the assassins identity by using the wives' names. . The empress is about to be married to the crown prince, and the regent's house is still a useful place for her. Lin Yao yue asks if his mother is looking at him, and she replies that she was too focused on her battle with the regent to notice that he was there. Lin Yeu , who has just returned from the battlefield, greets his grandmother, and he tells her that he barely escaped death twice before. He tells his grandmother that his aunt is not his mother's mistress, and that his mother does not have the authority of the emperor.