In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Swahachi-Kitahara." He is a member of the Eastern City Union, and he has come to Shanghai to find out the truth about the case concerning the disappearance of Aosuke Kitahara. He is also interested in the possibility of joining hands with him to fight against the enemy. He asks if he is joking when he says that he is from the union, and if he thinks he would stand against it to help the city. He tells us that he heard that the union and the enemy have had bad terms, and that the enemy still has a secret weapon that he can use against the union. He says that even if they join hands, they will not be able to defeat the enemy because of the fact that he still has the secret weapon. He adds that he has a "mysterious underling" with him, and the underling is a powerful and trustworthy person. He believes that this will help them fight the enemy more effectively.
In this chapter, we are introduced to a new character named "Swahachi-Kitahara." He is a member of the Eastern City Union, and he has come to Shanghai to find out the truth about the case concerning the disappearance of Aosuke Kitahara. He is also interested in the possibility of joining hands with him to fight against the enemy. He asks if he is joking when he says that he is from the union, and if he thinks he would stand against it to help the city. He tells us that he heard that the union and the enemy have had bad terms, and that the enemy still has a secret weapon that he can use against the union. He says that even if they join hands, they will not be able to defeat the enemy because of the fact that he still has the secret weapon. He adds that he has a "mysterious underling" with him, and the underling is a powerful and trustworthy person. He believes that this will help them fight the enemy more effectively.