It's time for the next scene, and this time, it's the girl's turn to be humiliated. She's so ashamed of herself that she doesn't even want to go to the gym in the morning. She wants to know what her body fat rate is, so she can figure out a weight loss program for her. The girl tells the audience that she's going to channel herself in the mirror in front of a mirror in the West corridor of the school, and she'll show herself to answer three of the students' questions at midnight. The girls are supposed to hang if they offer sacrifices to each other at midnight, and the girl will hang herself if they don't. So the girl asks the students to hold back laughter, and to ask the girl about her questions. She tells the girls that she wants to be pretty, just like the girls in the school. She says that everyone has a definition of pretty, but the point of her question is that she is not pretty enough, because her eyes are separated from her body, and her fat is too big. She asks the girl to tell her the lottery number to win a prize, so that she can go to work out with her.
It's time for the next scene, and this time, it's the girl's turn to be humiliated. She's so ashamed of herself that she doesn't even want to go to the gym in the morning. She wants to know what her body fat rate is, so she can figure out a weight loss program for her. The girl tells the audience that she's going to channel herself in the mirror in front of a mirror in the West corridor of the school, and she'll show herself to answer three of the students' questions at midnight. The girls are supposed to hang if they offer sacrifices to each other at midnight, and the girl will hang herself if they don't. So the girl asks the students to hold back laughter, and to ask the girl about her questions. She tells the girls that she wants to be pretty, just like the girls in the school. She says that everyone has a definition of pretty, but the point of her question is that she is not pretty enough, because her eyes are separated from her body, and her fat is too big. She asks the girl to tell her the lottery number to win a prize, so that she can go to work out with her.