The next morning, the two girls go for a walk. When they arrive at their house, they find that the door is locked and that there is a shower and bath in the house. The girls ask each other if it is okay that they do not go home, and the girl says that it is. The girl tells the girl that she has been using the word "suzu" as an excuse not to get involved with others, and that she is afraid that she will not be able to return to her studies if she does not return to school. When the girl asks if she should go to school, the girl replies that she should, since she has exams to attend the following week. When she hears that the girl has gone to the store to buy sweets, she asks the girl if she wants to come home, but the girl tells her that she cannot, as she has to take exams the next week. She then asks if the girl wants to go back to school by herself, and she says that she does, but that she would like to come back as soon as she can. She asks if there is anything wrong with the girl's head, and he says that his head hurts and he wishes he were at school. He then asks why the girl always shows up at his house at the same time. He says that he once told his mother that he was ten years old when he was supposed to be at school, but now that he is older, he is not sure why she always comes to his house. He asks if he can come in and clean his room, and when he does, he finds that his room is right in front of the door. He tells his friend that he will go back home, or if he wants to be alone, he can ask her not to be seen with him.
The next morning, the two girls go for a walk. When they arrive at their house, they find that the door is locked and that there is a shower and bath in the house. The girls ask each other if it is okay that they do not go home, and the girl says that it is. The girl tells the girl that she has been using the word "suzu" as an excuse not to get involved with others, and that she is afraid that she will not be able to return to her studies if she does not return to school. When the girl asks if she should go to school, the girl replies that she should, since she has exams to attend the following week. When she hears that the girl has gone to the store to buy sweets, she asks the girl if she wants to come home, but the girl tells her that she cannot, as she has to take exams the next week. She then asks if the girl wants to go back to school by herself, and she says that she does, but that she would like to come back as soon as she can. She asks if there is anything wrong with the girl's head, and he says that his head hurts and he wishes he were at school. He then asks why the girl always shows up at his house at the same time. He says that he once told his mother that he was ten years old when he was supposed to be at school, but now that he is older, he is not sure why she always comes to his house. He asks if he can come in and clean his room, and when he does, he finds that his room is right in front of the door. He tells his friend that he will go back home, or if he wants to be alone, he can ask her not to be seen with him.