The next day, the teacher apologizes to Bai Dong for using her piano room during the previous night's performance. She says that she has been looking for her for a long while, and apologizes for not being able to find her last night. She tells him that he should just focus on his own hard work and not worry about what other people think of him. She admits that she is jealous of him, and that her obsession has affected her own life. The teacher tells her that the summer break will be near, and she hopes to be selected to go to the exchange program in Venice. She also says that the name of the group is similar to "Yuncang" , which means "to meet" . She explains that she cannot think about the other students when she is working, because she does not want to rush to meet them. She asks if she thinks helping students is a must, since she is in love with one, and if she fails to become a teacher, she will be replaced by someone else. She assures him that she will do everything she can to help him. He thanks her for her talent in the play, and the results of the final exam have been announced. He is no longer the top student in the class.