The next morning, the three boys return to their mother's house, where they eat roasted sweet potatoes and talk about the past few days. The three boys discuss their spiritual root tests, which they took when they were younger, and decide that they have all gone to live with their parents. The eldest son says that he possesses a "mutated ice spirit root," but that he doesn't think the root can help him in his current life. He wonders if his parents would praise him if he were still alive, but says that there is no point in worrying about the impossible, as he is sure that he will find someone to praise his strengths. He says that it is better to be alone than to be surrounded by people, and that it would be better if he could get out of his present life one day.
The next morning, the three boys return to their mother's house, where they eat roasted sweet potatoes and talk about the past few days. The three boys discuss their spiritual root tests, which they took when they were younger, and decide that they have all gone to live with their parents. The eldest son says that he possesses a "mutated ice spirit root," but that he doesn't think the root can help him in his current life. He wonders if his parents would praise him if he were still alive, but says that there is no point in worrying about the impossible, as he is sure that he will find someone to praise his strengths. He says that it is better to be alone than to be surrounded by people, and that it would be better if he could get out of his present life one day.