In the meantime, the emperor has imprisoned most of the soldiers in the barracks, and he is afraid that the general will not stand up for him. The general tells the emperor that he has led the army to victory for ten years, and that the soldiers are waiting for him to return to lead them back to battle. The emperor says that he is waiting for the general to come back, but the general says that the time is running out. He says that someone has seen the general in his barracks and that if the general wants to save his life, he should go with him to the barracks and seek for the emperor. He also says that, if the emperor wants to siege the traitor, he can do so by the orders of the lord fu. The eunuch tells the prince that the emperor knows that he and the general are friends and that he wants to get rid of them. He asks the prince if he can call on the general, and the prince says that there is a man beside him, who cannot see him, but that he must be the eunuchist who has been sent by the emperor to get the general. The prince tells him that he will have to make his decision quickly, otherwise the emperor will arrive.
In the meantime, the emperor has imprisoned most of the soldiers in the barracks, and he is afraid that the general will not stand up for him. The general tells the emperor that he has led the army to victory for ten years, and that the soldiers are waiting for him to return to lead them back to battle. The emperor says that he is waiting for the general to come back, but the general says that the time is running out. He says that someone has seen the general in his barracks and that if the general wants to save his life, he should go with him to the barracks and seek for the emperor. He also says that, if the emperor wants to siege the traitor, he can do so by the orders of the lord fu. The eunuch tells the prince that the emperor knows that he and the general are friends and that he wants to get rid of them. He asks the prince if he can call on the general, and the prince says that there is a man beside him, who cannot see him, but that he must be the eunuchist who has been sent by the emperor to get the general. The prince tells him that he will have to make his decision quickly, otherwise the emperor will arrive.