In this chapter, we meet Hiroshi Goto, the protagonist of the manga "Tomaruin" . We learn that Hiroshi's real name is Kazushi Goto and that his pen name iskakushi , which means "the other way around." Hiroshi explains that he's afraid that the manga artist will find out that he has a pen name because he is a "rare" name. He also explains that name divination is a popular method of predicting the fortunes of people. He says that it's very accurate, and that if you read the names wrong, you'll get chewed out by your teachers. He's also worried that the editor in chief of the magazine he works for is going to use the name divination method to predict his character's fortunes. He doesn't want to go through the trouble of trying to figure out the editor's mind, so he'll just tell him no.
In this chapter, we meet Hiroshi Goto, the protagonist of the manga "Tomaruin" . We learn that Hiroshi's real name is Kazushi Goto and that his pen name iskakushi , which means "the other way around." Hiroshi explains that he's afraid that the manga artist will find out that he has a pen name because he is a "rare" name. He also explains that name divination is a popular method of predicting the fortunes of people. He says that it's very accurate, and that if you read the names wrong, you'll get chewed out by your teachers. He's also worried that the editor in chief of the magazine he works for is going to use the name divination method to predict his character's fortunes. He doesn't want to go through the trouble of trying to figure out the editor's mind, so he'll just tell him no.