In this chapter, we learn that the two men have been living apart for seven years and that they have never been able to get back together. We learn that Martin has returned from Britain, and that he still has the "dating rule no.5" , which states that a girl shouldn't come out too early in a date. He also advises her to try to "balance the cost" of a date, such as buying only one umbrella, ordering only one food side-by-side, and only buying one popcorn box at a movie theater.
In this chapter, we learn that the two men have been living apart for seven years and that they have never been able to get back together. We learn that Martin has returned from Britain, and that he still has the "dating rule no.5" , which states that a girl shouldn't come out too early in a date. He also advises her to try to "balance the cost" of a date, such as buying only one umbrella, ordering only one food side-by-side, and only buying one popcorn box at a movie theater.