In this chapter, the protagonist's old college friend, the design director of a high fashion company, is introduced. He is a classmate of hers who has won a scholarship to study in Milan for free, but she chose to study abroad instead, taking out large amounts of student loans. He tells her that he has a job to do at the company, but he is nervous because he has no experience in fashion. He asks his old friend if he is excited to see him again, and he tells him that he had been hired for his connection to the company. He then tells his friend that he feels like he has seen the girl before, and asks if he can take her to meet with him. When he learns that the girl has been looking for him, he tells her to go away. He also tells her not to worry about his reputation, as he has heard that the company has hired a new employee, a woman named Xunan.
In this chapter, the protagonist's old college friend, the design director of a high fashion company, is introduced. He is a classmate of hers who has won a scholarship to study in Milan for free, but she chose to study abroad instead, taking out large amounts of student loans. He tells her that he has a job to do at the company, but he is nervous because he has no experience in fashion. He asks his old friend if he is excited to see him again, and he tells him that he had been hired for his connection to the company. He then tells his friend that he feels like he has seen the girl before, and asks if he can take her to meet with him. When he learns that the girl has been looking for him, he tells her to go away. He also tells her not to worry about his reputation, as he has heard that the company has hired a new employee, a woman named Xunan.