That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 62: Whether Monster or Human • Page ik-page-243586
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 62: Whether Monster or Human • Page ik-page-243595
Chapter 62: Whether Monster or Human
This is a locked chapterChapter 62: Whether Monster or Human
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Rimu tells the rest of the gang that they'll be meeting soon to discuss their stance on humans. He says that he's not going to forgive anyone for killing anyone, but he does have some respect for human adventurers. Rimu explains that he used to be a human from a place called "other worlds." He couldn't hear or see anything, so he ate grass and minerals to survive. He met someone he could call "a friend," and that's how he got to know the other worlders. Now, he says, he found his people. It's been a long time since anyone needed him, and it's because of this that he found them. He explains that the reason why he made the rule not to attack humans was because he was one, but that he never wanted to hurt anyone. He blames himself for the whole thing. He's the one who's responsible for making the rules, he explains. He doesn't blame the other humans for being dependent on him to solve their problems, he blames his own selfish hang-ups. He also blames the fact that they didn't have enough caution and weak-mindedness to spot the danger in the first place. He thinks that if they had been more careful, they would have prevented the people from getting away with such a thing.
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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 62: Whether Monster or Human • Page ik-page-243586
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 62: Whether Monster or Human • Page ik-page-243595
Chapter 62: Whether Monster or Human
This is a locked chapterChapter 62: Whether Monster or Human
About This Chapter
In this chapter, Rimu tells the rest of the gang that they'll be meeting soon to discuss their stance on humans. He says that he's not going to forgive anyone for killing anyone, but he does have some respect for human adventurers. Rimu explains that he used to be a human from a place called "other worlds." He couldn't hear or see anything, so he ate grass and minerals to survive. He met someone he could call "a friend," and that's how he got to know the other worlders. Now, he says, he found his people. It's been a long time since anyone needed him, and it's because of this that he found them. He explains that the reason why he made the rule not to attack humans was because he was one, but that he never wanted to hurt anyone. He blames himself for the whole thing. He's the one who's responsible for making the rules, he explains. He doesn't blame the other humans for being dependent on him to solve their problems, he blames his own selfish hang-ups. He also blames the fact that they didn't have enough caution and weak-mindedness to spot the danger in the first place. He thinks that if they had been more careful, they would have prevented the people from getting away with such a thing.
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