That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction • Page ik-page-242495
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction • Page ik-page-242508
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction • Page ik-page-242501
Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction
This is a locked chapterChapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of an attack on an isolated barrier. The blast is so powerful that it burns enemies behind it, but only one of them survives. The creature that should have been destroyed by the blast ignores it as if it doesn't even cause an "itch" . In other words, it's like eating fish. The chapter ends with a soliloquy by Enobaruchi, in which he compares the attack on the barrier to a flash-hell flare. He compares the blast to a "flash-hell" flare, an attack that "burns enemies contained behind a isolated barrier" if it uses all its power. He then compares this to an "attack" that just leaves "one megalodon" left behind. Enobarsuchi says that he can't claim all of his glory for what he's done to his kin. He says that after the "orc disaster battle" , he grew a bit taller when he took on a human form. He also says that the other ions in his system "suffered" by being "fed" by the "glut tony" of the other ion systems. He adds that the "big boss" has been caught up with the rest of the group, and that it might be a good time to go back and re-confront them. He asks if he can warn them if they see signs of life from a hostile individual. They haven't given up the fight for lost yet, he says, and he asks if they can hold back. He tells them that he has a feeling that killing one of the followers of Carrion would cause him headaches down the road, so he has to "hold back" on the attack.
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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction • Page ik-page-242495
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction • Page ik-page-242508
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1-20 • Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction • Page ik-page-242501
Chapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction
This is a locked chapterChapter 38: Tyrant of Destruction
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of an attack on an isolated barrier. The blast is so powerful that it burns enemies behind it, but only one of them survives. The creature that should have been destroyed by the blast ignores it as if it doesn't even cause an "itch" . In other words, it's like eating fish. The chapter ends with a soliloquy by Enobaruchi, in which he compares the attack on the barrier to a flash-hell flare. He compares the blast to a "flash-hell" flare, an attack that "burns enemies contained behind a isolated barrier" if it uses all its power. He then compares this to an "attack" that just leaves "one megalodon" left behind. Enobarsuchi says that he can't claim all of his glory for what he's done to his kin. He says that after the "orc disaster battle" , he grew a bit taller when he took on a human form. He also says that the other ions in his system "suffered" by being "fed" by the "glut tony" of the other ion systems. He adds that the "big boss" has been caught up with the rest of the group, and that it might be a good time to go back and re-confront them. He asks if he can warn them if they see signs of life from a hostile individual. They haven't given up the fight for lost yet, he says, and he asks if they can hold back. He tells them that he has a feeling that killing one of the followers of Carrion would cause him headaches down the road, so he has to "hold back" on the attack.
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