In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Akito, who has just graduated from high school. He has just completed his studies and is eager to get back to his studies. He asks a high school girl named Silvia if she would like him to study with her. Silvia says she would not do such a thing with a kid who just wants to study. Silvia tells him that she has used her hair dryer to dry off her hair and that she wonders what he meant when he said that he wanted to go to the other side of town to help her. She asks him if he was tired and that he was less approachable when he was younger. He tells her that he had dyed his hair longer and that it was longer than it is now. Silvia gives him a bath and asks if he is still half asleep. He says that he is. She tells him she is half asleep and then asks if she has washed her bra so that it would not drip. Silvia replies that she did not wash her bra properly and that
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young man named Akito, who has just graduated from high school. He has just completed his studies and is eager to get back to his studies. He asks a high school girl named Silvia if she would like him to study with her. Silvia says she would not do such a thing with a kid who just wants to study. Silvia tells him that she has used her hair dryer to dry off her hair and that she wonders what he meant when he said that he wanted to go to the other side of town to help her. She asks him if he was tired and that he was less approachable when he was younger. He tells her that he had dyed his hair longer and that it was longer than it is now. Silvia gives him a bath and asks if he is still half asleep. He says that he is. She tells him she is half asleep and then asks if she has washed her bra so that it would not drip. Silvia replies that she did not wash her bra properly and that