This chapter's epigraph comes from the opening lines of the novel, "You vampire, take, dodge, swing" . It's a reference to the fact that the protagonist is a vampire, and it's the first time we've heard the name "vampire" mentioned in the novel. The protagonist's name is Hufeiwei, and he's from a sect called the Shangqing, which means "young generation." He's here to kill the blood tribe, which is made up of vampires. He tells the protagonist that he killed both the vampire count and the vampire viscount, and that the two of them are dead. He asks the protagonist where he saw the vampire mojie and her lover, yalan, and what happened after he passed out. The vampire tells him that the vampire girl was injured, but he doesn't know why. He also tells the vampire that he wants the vampire to go with him to the neighboring city of Xi'an to find the sky-watch ruler, who has asked for blood in exchange for his power. The narrator tells the story of how the wealthy man, known as the rat-heist, asked for the blood in order to gain the power he needed to rule over the city. He says that this is why he has been tracking the vampire tribe down.
This chapter's epigraph comes from the opening lines of the novel, "You vampire, take, dodge, swing" . It's a reference to the fact that the protagonist is a vampire, and it's the first time we've heard the name "vampire" mentioned in the novel. The protagonist's name is Hufeiwei, and he's from a sect called the Shangqing, which means "young generation." He's here to kill the blood tribe, which is made up of vampires. He tells the protagonist that he killed both the vampire count and the vampire viscount, and that the two of them are dead. He asks the protagonist where he saw the vampire mojie and her lover, yalan, and what happened after he passed out. The vampire tells him that the vampire girl was injured, but he doesn't know why. He also tells the vampire that he wants the vampire to go with him to the neighboring city of Xi'an to find the sky-watch ruler, who has asked for blood in exchange for his power. The narrator tells the story of how the wealthy man, known as the rat-heist, asked for the blood in order to gain the power he needed to rule over the city. He says that this is why he has been tracking the vampire tribe down.